When it comes to having a perfect lawn, knowledge is power. Understanding which fertilizer program is right for your lawn will give you the luscious, green grass you’ve always wanted. Here at Keyman Lawncare, we have a 5 step fertilizer program that is sure to promote growth and health in your lawn.

The fertilizer program consists of 5 key steps

A healthy lawn requires a lot of work and the right fertilizer program. We have put together a list of the five steps in our fertilizer program so you can easily follow along and get great results. First, there is a sequence to follow when applying your fertilizer. Remember some of these key things:1

  1. Fertilize in early spring: This is when your grass is just starting to grow so you want to give it a good foundation with nutrients.
  2. Apply an all-purpose fertilizer: In mid-spring, use an all-purpose fertilizer on your lawn to help it green up and fill in any bare patches from winter damage.
  3. Apply a slow-release fertilizer: After your lawn is growing in nicely, you want to feed it to make sure it lives up to its full potential. A slow-release fertilizer is best for this.
  4. Feed your lawn again in the fall: This is when the grass is nearly dead and needs a boost to get it ready for the winter.
  5. Apply a winterizer in the fall: Winterizer contains nutrients that will help your lawn survive the winter months.


Before fertilizing, the soil must be tested in order to determine which nutrients are lacking

When it comes to having a healthy garden, lawn, or crop, fertilizer is key. But which kind of fertilizer should you use? And how often? This can be confusing for even the most experienced green thumb. Have no fear! In this blog post, we will lay out the five steps of our fertilizer program so that you can have the lushest plants in town. The first step is testing your soil in order to determine which nutrients are lacking. This can be done with a simple at-home test kit or by sending a sample to your local cooperative extension office.

The second step is to choose the right fertilizer based on results from the soil test

The second step in our fertilizer program is to choose the right fertilizer based on results from a soil test. This soil test will help us determine what type and how much of a fertilizer your lawn needs, paired with our recommendations on when to spread, then you will have a green lawn in no time! We recommend getting your soil tested every 3-5 years to make sure you are using the right amount of fertilizer.

The third step is to use the fertilizer spreader correctly

Our fertilizer program is designed to give your lawn the nutrients it needs to thrive. The third step in our program is using a fertilizer spreader correctly. A fertilizer spreader ensures that the fertilizers are evenly distributed, so every part of your lawn gets the same amount of nutrients. Here are some tips for using a fertilizer spreader: -Start by reading the manufacturer’s instructions. This will tell you how much fertilizer to load into the spreader and how wide of an area it will cover.

The fourth step is scheduling regular applications throughout the year

The fourth step in our fertilizer program is scheduling regular applications throughout the year. This ensures that your lawn will always have the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and green. Applying fertilizer on a regular basis also helps to prevent problems such as uneven growth, yellowing, and scorching.

Lastly, remember to change your fertilizer based on the season and the use

Fertilize in early spring: This is when your grass is just starting to grow so you want to give it a good foundation with nutrients. This can be done with an all-purpose fertilizer. This type of fertilizer can also be used for a mid-spring boost. Once your lawn is growing nicely, apply a slow-release fertilizer and prepare for fall application – this is a last needed boost to prepare the lawn for winter. Once in winter, winterize your lawn and know you’ve taken quality care of your lawn throughout the entire season.


Still confused? Reach out to Keyman Lawn Care today!